Saturday, May 17, 2008

Laying In A Field Of Tall Grass

Given that I won't do another one of these for about 2 weeks or so (next Friday, I'll be up in Wisconsin without computer access, as my sister is getting married a week from tomorrow), I'll post two songs from the same band, and it's a band that you all know, and you've probably heard the tunes as least once before, but most likely you have never heard the original album versions, but instead the single versions that are almost always on the radio.

War is a band that many probably best know for the song Low Rider, but they had several other quality tunes (at the very least), including two I'll include here.

Spill the Wine was War's first hit and it was done during Eric Burdon's time with the band. I'm sure he wishes that he would not have left the band. It was certainly an odd song (still is) and it being such a big hit can only be explained by the fact that it was a song from '71, where an-obvious-drug trip recap would be loved by a huge throng of people who are fans of drug trips. At least it's very catchy and now you can listen to the full album version; the radio version is almost a minute shorter and a full verse is cut out.

War-Spill The Wine (8.95 MB, 256Kbits/second)

The second song is The Cisco Kid, which I did not know until recently was based upon a literary character. All that I knew was that the tune was groovy! It's like how I was familiar with Iron Man, the Sabbath song long before I even heard of the comic book; hey, I don't read comics. Sorry! Anyway, this album version of the song is about 30 seconds longer, and includes longer instrumental sections.

War-The Cisco Kid (4.01 MB, 128Kbits/second)

Like I said, I'll be back in about 2 weeks time. Hopefully y'all liked hearing two classic songs from a classic band.

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