Saturday, April 4, 2009

Free Bird!

I’ll keep it simple this time around and I’ll post a pair of songs from a famous southern rock band, as I don’t talk about that genre of music on here really all that much.

The most well-known band in that genre is-obviously-Lynyrd Skynyrd. In the middle of March, I was able to drive up to Jacksonville on my own for the first time, and I heard Free Bird while I was up there. It was appropriate, as that’s where they are from. You hear their songs on the radio often, especially in the Sunshine State, but they have quality songs that you don’t hear on the radio and yet deserve to be heard by you if you haven’t experienced them before.

The first tune is Swamp Music, from the Second Helping album. It is a catchy boogie about being home on the swamp, hanging out with a hound dog and name-checks Son House too. It’s a good old time.

Lynyrd Skynyrd-Swamp Music (4.85 MB, 192Kbits/second)

The second tune also happens to be on the Second Helping album. This one is called Workin’ for MCA and is an autobiographical tune as MCA is the company that released their albums and they talked about their history and how they were signed by that label. It’s another incredibly catchy tune that you probably will enjoy.

Lynyrd Skynyrd-Workin’ for MCA (6.59 MB, 192Kbits/second)

I'll be back sometime next weekend with something else to spotlight.

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