Monday, December 8, 2008


Here is something that just broke a matter of hours ago; as someone who at least tries to be “hip” once in awhile, this is something I figure I should talk about on here. It revolves around the case of Joe Satriani suing Coldplay for allegedly ripping off one of his songs for their recent hit Viva la Vida.

It's certainly an interesting tale, but I think it's more coincidence or maybe even an unconscious ripoff rather than something deliberate. Say what you will about Coldplay (they're fine, I guess, but their music isn't really to my tastes most of the time) or Satriani (from what I've heard, the stuff he plays is technically fine, but not the most engaging stuff around), but I think that's the case. I also think that's the case with the OTHER cry of plagiarism revolving around Viva la Vida, as documented here.

If you want a recap of the situation (along with downloads), go here.

I'll be back a week from tonight (as I know this Friday will be busy for me) with a new song to spotlight (and probably upload).

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