Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Worst Song of 2007?

Even though the album came out in 2005, I first heard the song on the radio a few days ago, so that's why I consider it a 2007 ditty. It's "Cupid's Chokehold", by Gym Class Heroes. I've only barely heard of this band before but after hearing this abomination on the radio I looked them up and saw that not only were they associated with Fall Out Boy, but their lead singer, Patrick Stump*, sang the chorus . That's a huge demerit right away, but their regular singer isn't much better, and their lyrics seem to be inspired by LFO's "Summer Girls", and that's not meant as a compliment. The obnoxious and girly way it's sung grates on your nerves but want to know what's worst of all?

* FOB is one of my all-time least favorite bands, truth be told. They're flat out terrible (sorry, friends I know who love them!) I mean, I honestly thought that girl jeans wearing Peter Wentz was their lead singer! I hope that doesn't erode my credibility or anything; I just had to be honest there.

These hipster bastards (they reference that painter Bob Ross and MySpace in their songs… yep, hipsters all the way) actually sampled a Goddamn Supertramp song for this tune! It's the title track from "Breakfast in America"; these pansies don't come close to being cool enough to singing anything involving Supertramp. Supertramp, even at their advanced ages, could probably whip the Bejeezus out of Gym Class Heroes! How dare you use this song and then totally butcher it while you use it for an abomination of an ode where the lyric you jacked from the song doesn't make sense in "Cupid's Chokehold." When Patrick caterwauls "Take a look at my girlfriend, she's the only one I got. Not much of a girlfriend, I never seem to get a lot," it doesn't sound too complimentary of the new piece of ass he's got. Yet, the rest of the song he brags to his parents about how she's so great she makes him pancakes and has porcelain skin; what sense does this make? Do you like the ho or not? Christ, I thought the lyrics to Fergie's solo songs were confusing! See what I mean when I say this may be the worst of 2007 even though we're not out of January yet?

Gym Class Heroes, "Cupid's Chokehold" (5.75 MB, 192 Kbits/second)

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