Wednesday, November 28, 2007

RIP Kevin DuBrow

I'm sure that by now most of you have heard the news that Quiet Riot lead singer Kevin DuBrow passed away this past Sunday in Las Vegas due to what at this time are unknown causes. It's easy to speculate just what happened, especially given what kind of industry he worked in, but that's not really the thing to speculate here. It's just crappy news, as while I only know a few Quiet Riot songs, they all kick ass. Cum On Feel The Noize and Bang Your Head (Metal Health) are all time hard rock classics. That's why I was sad to hear of this news. I am pleasantly surprised that news of this death has been so popular. Maybe "pleasantly" isn't the best word to use, but you know what I mean. It seems like there are many closet Quiet Riot fans out there, even if they were "one album wonders".

The song I'm putting up tonight is one from the Metal Health album, but is not the big hits from there. Rather, it's one that is a little more obscure, but still pretty cool. It's Slick Black Cadillac, a newer version of a song they released on an earlier album. It's a typical heavy metal song about having a kick-ass car, but I think it's quite good and you metal fans probably will like it. If nothing else it spotlights another song from a band that for a brief while were big stars and apparently are still remembered fondly by many.

Quiet Riot-Slick Black Cadillac (3.89 MB, 128Kbits/second)

I'm pressed for time now so in an hour or two I will have up my second song on my mashups page.

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