Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day, Everyone

Since the latest post on the blog, I had been wondering about which song I should put up for Memorial Day today (and I hope everyone has had and will have a nice Memorial Day weekend). I was stumped, but then I browsed through the surplus of songs I have on my computer and noticed that there was a song I have called "Ice Cream", by the British band New Young Pony Club. I only heard the song once, on the Orlando hipster station Real Rock 104.1, and I thought it was catchy enough to download, so that's what I did. Now, many think that Memorial Day unofficially signals the start of the summer, and what else is better for the summer than a cone or dish of ice cream? Hey, I sort of made the song fit today! I didn't think I could even do it… anyway, you may find this rock-electronic song to be catchy also.

New Young Pony Club-Ice Cream (4.65 MB, 192Kbits/second)

I'll be back Wednesday night with my next upload.

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