Sunday, April 15, 2007

RIP Don Ho

I saw online tonight that Don Ho, the legendary Hawaiian singer most famous for "Tiny Bubbles", passed away Saturday morning. Yeah, I could make an awful joke about him being a "nappy-headed Ho", but I'd better not… I don't really know too much about his career or his songs, aside from the biography on his official website (although I do remember his daughter Hoku, who didn't look half-bad but was/is a crappy singer; remember that "Another Dumb Blonde" song? I say "is" as allegedly she's going to release another album this year!), but he became a part of Hawaii and his culture with his stage show in Hawaii and of course, "Tiny Bubbles", which I have uploaded; for some odd reason, the file has got two songs on it; besides TB there is also "Pearly Shells". Both are charming light easy listening songs (I should note that these are the only two songs of his I've ever heard in my entire life), but don't let that turn you off. You've probably heard many jokes about and references to "Tiny Bubbles" in the past; now's time for you to download it.

Don Ho-"Tiny Bubbles/Pearly Shells" (3.38 MB, 128Kbits/second

I'll be back in a few days with another upload.

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