Friday, March 23, 2007

Another "Tribute" Post

I was not planning on doing an entry on Luther Ingram, a guy that even a musical nerd like me doesn't know a whole lot about, but yesterday I read that on Monday he passed away at the age of 69. I do know that his most famous song was his version of "If Loving You Is Wrong (I Don't Want To Be Right)", a song that I uploaded onto here for this entry; while it's a song that made it to the top 5 on the charts, it's just not something you hear on the radio so you may be unfamiliar with it, which is a shame, as it without doubt has a "70's soul sound" to it and Luther does a great job of singing about cheating on his wife, his anguish over the sin he's committing, but his desire to continue the affair. It's a shame he passed away but at least he was able to have some success in the music industry and probably because of his version of the tune, the song title is a phrase you sometimes hear even today in a joking fashion.

Luther Ingram-"If Loving You Is Wrong (I Don't Want To Be Right") (3.17 MB, 128Kbits/second)

My next entry will be Saturday, and it'll actually be a modern song released just last year.

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