Saturday, March 24, 2007

I'm Colorblind and Others Rap in Black and White

Ahhh yes, Cee-Lo, the guy that blew up like gangbusters last year with the release of the Gnarles Barkley album and the song that you could not get away from last summer, "Crazy". Before that he was known, but not so much so, for his collaborations with other rappers and his time in Goodie Mob. Hell, he may have been best known for his daughter being on the famed My Super Sweet 16! I guess it's a good thing he became so popular then…

This past summer, when I spent a lot more time than I do now scouring the 'net for websites that are, well, like this, in that they offer up songs for downloading rather than via a service like Morpheus, I stumbled across a Cee-Lo track that wasn't well known, and probably still isn't that well known. It was a collaboration with the singer Jack Splash of Plant Life, a singer and band that I know hardly anything about. They, known as The Heart Attack, haven't had any songs released except for a CD sampler; that sampler contained the song that I will be featuring here today, known as "Gangsta Boogie", the tune that I downloaded the day I found out about it from this page.

Remember way back almost two months ago when I did an entry on the song "Them Changes" and stated that a song I know sampled the horns from the Buddy Miles version of the tune? Well, it was this song that did the sampling. I don't know what other songs were sampled for "Gangsta Boogie", but if you liked Gnarles Barkley you'll probably like this too, as while the song has an odd sound to it, it's not a &bad& sound and as usual, Cee-Lo does a nice job of rapping, such as using the line I have up for the title of this entry.

The Heart Attack-"Gangsta Boogie" (5.72 MB, 192Kbits/second)

I'll be back on Monday with me talking about a rap group many of you probably would have never thought I'd bring up on here.

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