Monday, March 5, 2007

The World Isn't Ready For Jewish Rappers

Everyone and their mother knows the song "Funkytown", by Lipps Inc.*, and you either love it or you hate it. Not a lot of people remember the late 80's cover by Pseudo Echo that also did well on the charts.

* I'll never forget the few minutes of the MTV episode Made I saw once… don't worry, I never watch that show except for brief glances… except for that one with the obviously chubby gay guy (who was not unlike that creepy Ross from The Tonight Show) who wanted to become a soccer player; that was great comedy… anyway, I did see an episode where the producer of "Funkytown" had a son that wanted to be a rapper, even though he was about as white as Casper, and yeah, of the Jewish persuasion. His dad was all acting like "Funktown" was a great and serious musical work… um, I don't think so! Why there is an underground rapper named "C-Rayz Walz" puzzles me. What a terrible name!

Funnily enough, back when I first heard the Pseudo Echo version in the 90's I thought it sucked ass. It was years before I heard that tune again and I did a total 180 on it. I can't really explain WHY my opinion changed; it just did. This version is totally "80's" in sound, believe me… I'll just warn anyone who doesn't like that type of jingle on their computer hard drive.

Oh, and you can usually only find the single version of the song (3 and a half minutes). Well, I did find the original album version (almost 5 minutes long) and that's what I uploaded.

Pseudo Echo-"Funkytown" (6.73 MB, 192Kbits/second)

I'll be out of town on Tuesday so the next cover will be up Wednesday.

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