Monday, October 15, 2007

Star Wars Trumpet!

You can't say that I'm unhip ALL of the time. For example, today's entry has to deal with a viral video that just a few days ago started to become very popular. I first saw it on Friday night after I had gotten home from by far my worst experience at a movie theatre. The video helped me feel better.

It's of a girl in the talent portion of some beauty pageant in Nebraska, or so the video says. The contestant plays the Star Wars theme on her trumpet, or at least that was the intent. It's been up since late July but it was discovered by the popular viral video sites a few days ago and it's spread like wildfire; now you have a video where someone leaves text comments on the "action" and in another, the audio is dubbed over the famed Star Wars Kid.

I can understand why it's so popular, as the video is embarrassingly bad. That girl's outfit is bad enough, but then you hear her trumpet playing and realize that she's not too good at that. As if you thought it couldn't get any worse, she did her "dance" during the Cantina Scene part of the song. Speaking of the song…

In case you did not know, the song that was used for Stacy Hedger's massacre was Meco's (nee Meco Monardo) Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band, a disco version of the theme from the movie that reached number one, I'm sure to the horror of many; I don't have any complaints with the tune myself, but I know that many have bashed it, even if only because it's a disco tune.

There are several versions of the tune floating around. First, there's the single version that is around 3 1/2 minutes long. I've also heard a 6 1/2 minute version. But me, I'm someone who almost always prefers having the full version of a song. So, that's why I found the original nearly sixteen minute (!) version of the song Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band (12'' Disco Mix, to be exact), as found on the greatly titled Star Wars & Other Galactic Funk. Hey, you can download it and either stick it at the very end of a burned CD if you have 16 minutes to spare but want to save some songs for a later CD, or stick it on your iPod for similar reasons.

Meco-Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band (12'' Disco Mix) (21.73 MB, 192Kbits/second)

I'll be back Thursday night, kids.

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