Monday, July 16, 2007

No I Do Not Know Why There's A Dog Barking In The Song!

I was at a pair of wrestling shows during the weekend; it was a tournament for a wrestler who passed away from cancer a few years ago when he was only 22 years old. It was a fun time overall. As has been an unofficial tradition, funny 80's songs are used by several wrestlers for entrance music. 2005 was Here I Go Again and Don't You Forget About Me. 2006 was Living On A Prayer. 2007 may have topped it, though. You had Goody Two Shoes one night, and then the next was Weird Science and then the topper, which was a song that even shocked me, the 80's music fan. Yes, a tag team actually used... Caribbean Queen! Yes, a song by Billy F'ing Ocean! "Wow" is the best I can come up with. It will be tough to top that.

As for the worst song of 2007 contest, I'm still sticking with Glamorous for now, but there is really tough competition from Beautiful Girls, Lip Gloss, and A Bay Bay. Jesus are those songs terrible; in fact, at the end of the year I may decide that one of those tunes will be my worst of 2007; I have the right to change my mind! I just pray that something even worse than that isn't released in this second half of the year.

Anyway, onto today's upload. There's not a lot that I can say about the tune I'm putting up, except that it's a song you'll recognize and probably love again right away once you know it's the theme song from the first National Lampoon's Vacations movies. Yes, it's the song by Fleetwood Mac member Lindsey Buckingham known as Holiday Road. C'mon, you know you love the song! Don't ask me why you hear an electronic dog barking in tune with the song; I'll never figure it out, although Fleetwood Mac still has the legendary reputation for snorting up cocaine like anteaters.

Lindsey Buckingham-Holiday Road (2.02 MB, 128Kbits/second)

I'll be back Wednesday afternoon, I promise.

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